Story Behind the Shirt: Heart on My Sleeve - Impulse Apparel

Story Behind the Shirt: Heart on My Sleeve

I used the anatomical heart design on a lot of my shirts. That's partially because I like the heart, but more so for what it represents. It's a part of the store logo, it feels a little bit out there compared to some other brands. Another reason why I really like the heart is because it represents something I was told all my life.

I used to work in retail and my manager told me that if I wanted to succeed in life, I had to stop wearing my heart on my sleeve. I was told that emotions made a poor leader and poor management. At the time, I took those words to heart. I was 16 and working in retail with a manager who bullied me. I worked there for two years before I switched jobs, and then proceeded to get him fired.

In his defence though, I wasn't going to get bullied without fighting back. I was equally an asshole back to him. You can read the story of how I got my old manager fired here, but this post is about the story behind the shirt.

This shirt was designed with those words in mind. To stop wearing my heart on my sleeve and roll with the punches without shedding a tear. I was expected to become a robot that ruled without empathy, but I hated that narrative. It wasn't until I got older and started working in management that I decided wearing my heart on my sleeve was a positive quality rather than a hindrance. It doesn't mean that I'm crying all the time or constantly showing my emotions because this was deemed "inappropriate" in the workplace. Instead, this meant that I developed empathy. I learned why people acted the way they did and cut them slack along the way. I wanted my staff to know that I was also human. I was trying my best to help them in whatever way I could.

I brought this mentality into this store when I started it. I don't want to treat my customers like another number on the screen and someone I can squeeze money out of as a corporation would. I want to provide something of value to my customers. I want to help them if any problems arise.

I will continue to live with my heart on my sleeve and happily take any critique for it because hiding who you are and tarnishing your authenticity is a terrible way to live.


Check out the shirt that was inspired by this part of my life!


Heart on My Sleeve Shirt

Heart on My Sleeve Hoodie

Heart on My Sleeve Hats

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